The sugar in the diet affects the amount of sugar in your bloodstream and studies suggest that high blood sugar levels set up a molecular domino effect called glycation . Successful eating plans need to be analyzed and take the whole person into consideration. It restricts added sugar from obvious foods like candy and soda. Health benefits of having less sugar in your diet: Weight Loss Improved Health Improved Dental Health Control Hunger and Cravings Avoid Allergens Clearer skin Better digestion by cutting down Healthier brain function Excess sugar in the diet can be strangely harmful and has been linked to many chronic diseases, including cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. It is essential to avoid obvious sources of sugar in your diet, such as desserts and sodas, but also to be aware of the hidden sugar in some common processed foods like sauces, low-fat foods, and so-called healthy snacks. Choosing non-sugary items like Water, Sparkling water with a squ...